
Sunday, 4 November 2012

A WORD FOR YOUR DAY! [Pastor Chris ]

But you shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you...(Acts 1:8 NKJV). God has given us a life of glory and power in Christ Jesus. Our theme verse gives us an important information about this life of power. It lets us know that through the Holy Spirit, we've been infused with supernatural power to effect positive changes in our lives and in our circumstances.
The choice of words in Scripture is very important because except you understand God's exact communication, you can't apply His words to your personal life. In this instance, for example, the Lord Jesus said " shall receive power, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you...." The word "power" derives from the Greek word "dunamis," which means power or ability to effect changes. It refers to miracle-working ability; the ability to make supernatural things happen. It also means the power of excellence. You received this supernatural power and ability when you received the Holy Spirit; a special ability to perform! This supernatural power for excellence, and extraordinary might to effect changes is in you now. Do you see why you ought never to be a victim in life?Jesus gave you a life of power. If you find yourself in a predicament or in a precarious situation, you don't have to give up or give in. There's power in you to effect a change. You don't need to go around looking for help or seeking power from place to place; the power you need is already inside you. The Holy Spirit is the power of God and the power-giver, and He lives in you in His fullness! Therefore, you're full of power. You can do anything and change anything through the power of the Spirit.

Pastor Chris

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