17, 2012
Redeeming the time, because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:16). There're certain things in life that are not in unending supply; they're limited. One of them is time. Learn to save time. Keep track of your time. Our opening verse says for us to redeem the time because the days are evil.
If you play a game, maybe soccer for example, they may give you extra time. However, life is not a game; and there's no extra time. Therefore, make every day count for your life. Take the opportunity of everyday to improve yourself and introduce something into your life that's worth the while; something positive. Invest your time wisely. Seize the moment. Make a decision for success today. Don't wait; don't procrastinate. Success is for the man who says "yes� to success. Success is for the man who plans for it; who reaches out for it. Who says "I'll wake up at such-andsuch a time, to study� and he wakes up. Success is for the man who says "I'll read this book at this time,� and he reads it! Success is for the man who says "I'll go to school� and he goes. Choose to be a success. Time is fixed and never seems enough and so we have to make time for important things. If you have a task or project, do it at the stipulated time. Successful people are time-conscious. Success is waiting for theman who makes a decision. Don't spend your time watching merely television or video 24 hours a day. Those you're watching have put their best into what you're watching. Yesterday may be gone, but you have today; make it count. You may not be able to change yesterday but you can plan today to change tomorrow. You can do something about tomorrow and to do something about tomorrow, you've got to do it today. So make the most of your time. Remember, there's no extra time; therefore whatever you do now, do it the best way the first time.
Pastor Chris
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