
Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Christina Hendricks: ' 'Full-figured' is just rude'

Amid all the current curve appeal in Hollywood — Lady Gaga celebrating hers, Kim Kardashian flaunting hers (while vowing to slim down slightly) — one star has revealed she's no fan of that other label applied to well-endowed women's bodies: "full-figured."
Christina Hendricks seethed when a (tiny-sized) Australian fashion editor used the term in referring to her during a taped interview, announcing off-camera: "I think calling me 'full-figured' is just rude."
Here's the highly awkward exchange:
Kate Waterhouse, Sydney's Sun-Herald: "You have been an inspiration as a full-figured woman. What is the most inspiring story that you can remember where you've inspired someone?"
Hendricks, laughing uncomfortably: "Um, I don't know (nervous laughter from Waterhouse). I don't know. I've gotten — I'm sorry." Hendricks shoots a glare off-camera to someone, probably her publicist, who asks Waterhouse to rephrase the question.
Waterhouse, again: "You've been known as an inspiration for women as being a full-figure... "
Hendricks, quickly interrupting: "I mean, you just said it again."
Finally, Waterhouse moved on.
According to a Sun-Herald source, at a Wednesday night event in Sydney, reporters weren't banned from asking the Mad Men star body image questions, but one interviewer was warned "not to ask any questions about her breasts.

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